About Us
Founded in 1993, PASCHEN Rechtsanwälte deals with a broad spectrum of business law issues and was initially focused on providing comprehensive legal services to a predominantly medium-sized client base. Even today, we still support numerous companies in all legal matters in their day-to-day business.
In the course of the steady growth of the law firm, two additional key issues emerged, in which PASCHEN today belongs to the top providers in Germany, namely the legal enforcement of supplier rights in the B2B sector as well as insurance recourses. From medium-sized companies to global players, we support a large number of well-known companies in drafting their contracts, enforcement of their claims and protection against unjustified claims by third parties in Germany and abroad.
PASCHEN is a pioneer in digitalization, has been working paperless for a long time and communicates with clients almost exclusively electronically. In addition to interfaces in various ERP systems, we also maintain our own online client portal .
Our quality management system is certified by TÜV Süd according to ISO 9001.
PASCHEN Rechtsanwälte has long focused on supplier rights in the B2B sector.
Our work with suppliers often starts with the drafting of contracts, template contracts and general terms and conditions and continues with the legal support of transactions, to the speedy realisation of the resulting claims at home and abroad, if necessary, also by using judicial assistance. In doing so, we always keep in mind that the debtor is usually still a customer of the company we serve.
More frequently, we also deal with questions in connection with customers who have become insolvent or who are directly threatened by insolvency. In these cases, we support our clients in all questions of securing their claims in case of continuation of the business relationship with the (provisional) insolvency administrator or the management in case of self-administration. In addition, we are very often involved in the protection of unjustified claims of the insolvency administrator.
Launched as a by-product of our activities for credit insurers on a small scale, recourse prosecution for insurance companies has been a further focus of PASCHEN’s expertise for more than a decade. In addition to credit and indemnity insurance, the focus here is also on legal expenses insurance, for which our team asserts claims for information, payment and damages against lawyers on a large scale.
For individual insurance topics, we offer outsourcing models in which all claims and recourse processing is handled by PASCHEN and appropriately qualified partner companies. In addition, our specialists accompany insurance companies and industrial insurance brokers in the development of innovative insurance products and individual service offerings in credit and indemnity insurance.
Our specialist’s competence is not merely derived from legal expertise but is also based on a thorough understanding of the credit insurance trade, the current market situation and the development of the credit insurance market.
In our view, first-class legal services are not limited to the qualified legal evaluation of specific issues and problems, but rather provide practical and reliable solutions that take the respective economic environment of our clients into account in a special way.
In this regard, the fact that our attorneys work closely together in numerous subject areas in practice groups has proven to be of particular value. This not only ensures the highest legal quality of the corresponding results, but often also broadens our own horizons in assessing the economic impact of solutions or measures we propose.
PASCHEN is a technological pioneer in the industry. We have interfaces to all current company software solutions for the online processing of all types of company data. Our entire file processing was already extensively digitalized when Legal Tech was still a foreign word for many market participants.
PASCHEN’s strong client orientation is also the driver for the continuous development of our efficient web portal , which provides our clients 24/7 with a comprehensive overview of the current status of the processing of their transactions, access to all documents and structural data via the internet and also offers them numerous innovative planning tools for their risk management.
At PASCHEN, we pay particular attention to ensuring the consistently high quality of the services we provide. Independently of our own high standards, we have therefore also had our company certified by TÜV Süd according to ISO 9001 concerning the provision of legal services in commercial law with specialisation in supplier law issues (national and international), representation of creditor interests in insolvency law and insurance recourse.
Attorney Jürgen Baumeister heads our Cologne office. He has been a partner since 2005.
From a legal perspective, he focuses on litigation, more specifically the legal prosecution of our client’s claims under civil law. In 2004, he was awarded the title of specialist lawyer for labour law, and he also heads our labour law team.
A further important focus of his work is the representation of creditors’ interests in insolvency proceedings and in particular the defence of claims for rescission by the insolvency administrator.
Since 2014 he has been a lecturer for insolvency law at the Bochum University of Applied Sciences.
Attorney-at-law Baumeister complements his expertise with a specialist lawyer for construction & architectural law in January 2025
Attorney Lutz Paschen is the founding partner of PASCHEN Rechtsanwälte PartGmbB.
He is the Managing Partner of PASCHEN and heads the offices in Berlin and Leipzig. In addition to the legal practice, he is also increasingly involved in the technical and operational management of the enforcement of supplier rights and insurance recourse.
His legal work focuses on international civil and commercial law and credit insurance law. He has more than two decades of forensic practice and is thus one of the most experienced litigation attorneys in the law firm.
Furthermore, he is a renowned expert in matters of creditors’ rights. In this context, he was consulted as an expert in the Legal Committee of the German Bundestag on the German Act on Updating Restructuring and Insolvency Law (SanInsFoG) and the Stabilisation and Restructuring Framework (StaRUG) contained therein, as well as in the working group on “Harmonisation of German and French Business and Insolvency Law” of the Franco-German Parliamentary Assembly.
As a legal tech pioneer, he has developed several IT applications, system interfaces and process solutions as well as the analysis and risk management portal and the debtor portal
Attorney Michael Schmidt has been a partner of PASCHEN Rechtsanwälte Part GmbB since 2002 and works in our Berlin office.
He is the head of our insolvency law team and focuses on insolvency law and the successful representation of creditors in insolvency proceedings. In particular, he deals with issues in connection with the enforcement of security interests, the safeguarding of creditors’ interests in the case of continuation of operations by the temporary administrator, insolvency challenges as well as subjects in connection with the formation of creditor pools. The representation of the creditors’ interests in connection with the challenge of insolvency also plays a major role. Here Michael Schmidt benefits in particular from his well-founded experience gained over many years in the office of a renowned insolvency administrator.
For his expertise in insolvency law, Michael Schmidt has already been recommended several times as a leading lawyer in insolvency law by corporate lawyers from the German Institute for Legal Departments and Corporate Lawyers (diruj) – Kanzleimonitor 2019/2020, Kanzleimonitor 2020/2021, Kanzleimonitor 2021/2022, Kanzleimonitor 2022/2023 as well as Kanzleimonitor 2023/2024.
In addition, credit insurance law and the legally secure drafting of contracts in all areas of national and international commercial law are at the centre of his activities, as well as the enforcement of them in court.
Our Offices

Berlin Office
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 113
10553 Berlin
- Phone: +49 (0) 30 346756-0
- Fax: +49 (0) 30 346756-22
- E-Mail: berlin@paschen.cc

Cologne Office
Kreuzgasse 2-4
50667 Köln
- Phone: +49 (0) 221 379956-0
- Fax: +49 (0) 221 379956-22
- E-Mail: koeln@paschen.cc

Leipzig Office
Delitzscher Str. 80
04129 Leipzig
- Phone: +49 (0) 341 98281-0
- Fax: +49 (0) 341 98281-55
- E-Mail: leipzig@paschen.cc

Munich Office
Hopfenstraße 8
80335 München
- Phone: +49 (0) 89 20 60 54-341
- Fax: +49 (0) 89 20 60 54-342
- E-Mail: muenchen@paschen.cc