
BUJ study: In-house counsels recommend PASCHEN

PASCHEN Rechtsanwälte is once again one of the most highly recommended German law firms. In this year’s representative study „ – Empfehlung ist die beste Referenz“ of the Federal Association of in-house counsel e.V. (BUJ) the law firm... read more

EARN partners meet in Berlin

The European lawyers’ network EARN, which has been in existence for seven years now, continues to grow: At this year’s meeting of the partner law firms, some new faces were again found among the participants.... read more

Very well attended ServiCon anchor day „Law and Risk in Associated Groups”

More than 80 representatives of associated groups accepted the invitation of the service society ServiCon of the SME group to Cologne on 6 November to exchange views on current developments in the legal field at this... read more

Digital future and new rules in insolvency law: That was the BvCM Federal Congress 2018

With its outstanding, award-winning architecture, the Carmen Würth Forum Congress and Cultural Centre in Künzelsau, Baden-Württemberg, inaugurated just last year, provided the perfect backdrop for this year’s 15thFederal Congress of the German Credit Management Association... read more

Well-attended BvCM Eastern-Germany Regional Event

Entertaining speakers with exciting topics in a relaxed atmosphere above the rooftops of Berlin: These were the attributes that distinguished this year’s Eastern-Germany Regional Event of the Bundesverband Credit Management e.V. (BvCM), which took place on... read more

Global Wind Power wins lawsuit against Fuhrländer

Indian wind turbine manufacturer Global Wind Power Limited (GWPL) represented by PASCHEN in the proceedings conducted before the District Court of Cologne has won its legal battle with the insolvency administrator of former wind... read more

Major industry meeting of the e-masters co-operation in Berlin

Germany’s leading marketing and service co-operation in the medium-sized electrical sector e-masters invited their members and partners for this year’s industry meeting “trendforum” from 22 to 24 June 2018 in the Estrel Convention Center in Berlin.... read more

We can do differently: PASCHEN at the 5 x 5 km TEAM relay

That the staff of PASCHEN Rechtsanwälte not only give their all for their clients but also show stamina in sports, the participants of the Berliner Wasserbetriebe’s 19th 5 x 5 km TEAM relay on 8... read more

PASCHEN makes its Debut at Insurer’s Branch Meeting

With around 1,200 visitors and over 100 exhibitors, the exhibition congress “Claims Management & Assistance”is one of the insurance industry’s most important dates. Once more, this year’s event on the 10th and 11th of April at the... read more

Bar association praises PASCHEN’s commitment to trainees

Our trainees Ilona Gohl, Sabina Herber and Saskia Orlowski (from left) made the right choice: Their training as a paralegal at PASCHEN Rechtsanwälte will ideally prepare them when they enter their career. Recruitment of... read more