BGH defines conditions for contestation-proof cash transactions
New decision clears up legal uncertainties in the use of Section 142 InsO
Continued supply in customer insolvency
When it is justifiable to maintain the customer relationship in preliminary insolvency proceedings
Modernisation of civil proceedings: digitisation at the German pace
An appeal for more pragmatism
Planned new EU Late Payment Regulation under fierce fire
Demand for retention of maximum flexibility in payment terms & less bureaucracy
RAK Cologne awards Jürgen Baumeister specialist lawyer for co ...
Attorney-at-law Baumeister complements his expertise with a specialist lawyer for construction & architectural law
Insolvency proceedings from the creditor´s point of view
Regionalkonferenz West des Bundesverbandes Credit Management e.V.
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 113, 10553 Berlin
Kreuzgasse 2-4, 50667 Köln
Delitzscher Str. 80 04129 Leipzig
Hopfenstr. 8, 80335 München