
Twenty years of commitment to Legal Claims Management

PASCHEN will celebrate its twentieth corporate anniversary this year. The company started in 1993 when the founding partners united in Leipzig as a law firm focusing on qualified legal claims management from the very beginning.

At a time... read more

Success: PASCHEN’s lecture in the Chinese megacity of Hefei

PASCHEN continued its perennial tradition of visiting Sinosure. This year the Hefei branch hosted a conference on qualified receivables management in Germany and Europe with a focus on the current global market and the European financial... read more

Newly designed Tech Data Forum 2012 presented PASCHEN Legal Claims Management 2.0

For the first time, PASCHEN was present at the Tech Data Forum at the M.O.C. exhibition hall in Munich. In one part of the fair, all well-known electronic products manufacturers were represent and in another part, Tech Data showcased their... read more

e-masters – A prosperous case of cooperation with ServiCon

A new and informative event took place at the 10th annual ServiCon Services Day in the Esplanade Hotel exhibition space and briefly displayed the advantages of several services on offer by presenting various recent practical experiences from... read more

Credit Management Practice Update 3

For the third time, the Federal Association for Credit Management(BvCM) hosted the regional event Nord which was held in the Wolfsburg based “Autostadt”. Numerous directors, commercial managers and interested service providers followed the... read more

Online claim handover now with documents

With debit.xs, our in-house developed web-based tool integrated in our client interface debit.control, it is now even more efficient and easier to handover claims to PASCHEN.

In response to the wishes of many clients it is now possible to... read more

PASCHEN as Partner of the SME electrical sector participates in e-masters conference in Rome

This year around 700 service providers and retailers in the electrical sector followed the invitation of the VKE-Eltkauf marketing cooperation to an extraordinary annual meeting in Rome. For PASCHEN Rechtsanwälte, attorney at law Kai... read more

European Accounts Receivable Network summit in Berlin

BPS hosted the first EARN® meeting in Berlin during the Pentecost weekend where the participants, consisting of meanwhile eight European EARN® partner law firms, extensively exchanged their experiences and expertise.

In addition to a... read more

Successful BvCM-Conference in Wolfsburg on the New Regulations in Insolvency Law

During the conference 70 very interested participants from the industry, trade and service sector centered on the recent modification of the German insolvency law. As a guest lecturer CEO of the Verband Insolvenzverwalter Deutschlands... read more

Vigorous exchange of ideas during first ESUG seminar

At the invitation of BvCM’s Insolvency Law working group and host Brillux, 55 participants came to Münster to attend an introduction regarding the numerous reforms implemented by the ESUG and respective impacts on creditors.

Following a... read more