
Contestation of insolvency and factoring – New BGH ruling

An important factual characteristic of almost all instances of contestation in insolvency proceedings is the creditor’s knowledge of the insolvency of the debtor. Whether this was available at the time of the payment to the creditor regularly... read more

Corporate lawyers recommend PASCHEN for insolvency law & contract law

PASCHEN is also recommended in the current tenth Kanzleimonitor study of 2022-2023 of the German Institute for Legal Departments and Corporate Lawyers (DIRUJ) for insolvency and contract law.

Leading law firm and leading lawyer for... read more

Mindestanforderungen an das Credit Management in der Kundeninsolvenz

Rechtsanwalt Michael Schmidt, Insolvenzrechtsexperte bei PASCHEN und Leiter Arbeitskreis Insolvenzpraxis beim Bundesverband Credit Management e.V. (BvCM), stellte beim 19. Bundeskongress des BvCM in Düsseldorf am  27. Oktober 2022 die... read more

EARN European Accounts Receivable Network Meeting 2022

After a 2-year break due to Corona, the annual meeting of the EARN network took place live again last weekend. The Austrian partner law firm hba Held Berdnik Astner & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH welcomed numerous network members to its... read more

Restricted enforcement protection against European Enforcement Order

As early as 2004, Directive (EC) No 805/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21st April 2004 creating a European Enforcement Order for uncontested claims (EuVTVO) introduced the possibility of simplified... read more

Company lawyers recommend PASCHEN for the sixth time in a row

In the current Kanzleimonitor 2021–2022 study by the German Institute for Legal Departments and Corporate Lawyers, PASCHEN Rechtsanwälte was again recommended as a leader in three areas.

Leading law firm and leading lawyer in... read more

VAT: New EU e-commerce rules

The new VAT e-commerce rules bring a simple and uniform set of VAT rules for all businesses engaged in cross-border e-commerce (especially online sellers,  marketplaces/platforms as well as operators, couriers, customs, tax administrations and... read more

ECJ: avoidance of transactions in insolvency proceedings in cross-border business

In insolvency proceedings conducted in Germany, it is particularly easy for insolvency administrators to successfully assert claims against creditors by means of insolvency avoidance. This practice is based on the administrator-friendly... read more

Insolvency filing obligation in force again without restriction

Pursuant to Section 15a InsO or Section 42(2) BGB, the legal representatives of German corporations and associations are obliged to file an insolvency petition when their organization is practically insolvent. This obligation had been suspended... read more

Insolvency Suspension Act extended until April 30, 2021

The COVID19-Insolvency Suspension Act (COVInsAG) to mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in civil, insolvency and criminal procedural law, is entering into overtime. Having already been extended twice, the regulations, which were... read more