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Well-attended BvCM Eastern-Germany Regional Event
Entertaining speakers with exciting topics in a relaxed atmosphere above the rooftops of Berlin: These were the attributes that distinguished this year’s Eastern-Germany Regional Event of the Bundesverband Credit Management e.V. (BvCM), which took place on 4 September 2018 at Creditsafe Deutschland GmbH in Berlin and was again very well attended with more than 70 participants.
Klemens Friedrich from ALBA Group opened the event with a vivid presentation on the measurability of working capital, followed by Dr. Michael Sauter from Brainbirds GmbH, who addressed the topic of digitalisation in credit management and explained what skills credit managers are expected to have in the future and what they can learn from digital key players. Finally, attorney at law Michael Schmidt, head of the Insolvency Practice Group at the BvCM, concluded his successful and lively discussion with a presentation of how claims are correctly filed and enforced in insolvency proceedings and what has to be considered with regard to the statute of limitations and limitation periods.
An all-around successful afternoon, according to the concluding findings of the credit managers present, who are already looking forward to next year’s event.